
The Write Advice

As a group of seasoned authors, we have been through the process, many times, of writing and then editing novels. Over the years, we have also worked with literary agents and a variety of publishers.

We want new writers to be able to benefit from our experience. Our goal is to help you improve your craft, provide guidance and support, and prepare you for the realities of being an author. We offer critiques, ongoing mentoring and editorial guidance.


As experienced authors, we have a wealth of knowledge that we want to share with others. You only get one chance to make a good first impression with a literary agent. We can help you avoid pitfalls that can trip up new writers, and give you the best fighting chance of getting their attention, for all of the right reasons.

This guidance includes working with you on a query letter and submission package.


Our editorial services bring an editor’s eye for story, characters and worldbuilding to your craft and writing technique. Working together, we can help take your vision for the story and translate it onto the page. 

We will advise on how best to streamline your narrative by tightening the prose without erasing your own natural style, and bring crucial plot elements to the fore through realistic dialogue and characterisation. 


Sometimes you don’t know where to go with a story and need some help. It can be a fresh pair of eyes on your manuscript, a good listener and sounding board to help you find a way forward, or just someone to brainstorm ideas with.

Our monthly mentoring services can help you build and then maintain momentum with your novel.

We can also provide guidance and support about social media, literary agents and publishers.