
We offer the following services:

If you’re not sure what you need at this stage, please ask for a chat! We’re happy to discuss options and/or look at a sample of your work to help guide you to the right service for you. We won’t contract for a service that we don’t think is right for your specific circumstances. We want to help you write and publish a great book, not just sell you a service.

Query Package Assessment

(Author: Stephen)

We will provide feedback on your query letter, together with the first 3 chapters, or 50 pages (up to 10,000 words).

What you will receive:

  • Notes on the query letter with questions, suggestions, general feedback and recommendations for clarity. You need to pitch your book to agents in a way that demonstrates you understand your story and the genre in which you are writing.
  • Annotated comments on the first 3 chapters, and a report with suggestions, thoughts and ideas on how it could be improved.


£115 for a query package assessment

Example Edit

(Authors: Justin, Stephen)

One of the most common reasons agents and editors reject a manuscript is because “the writing needs work”. But that feedback never comes with the specifics of how.

There are three key ways to develop your writing craft: read widely; practice; and get good, objective feedback. An example edit gives you the specific, professional feedback you need to hone your writing as well as teaching you how to self-edit effectively. Nobody’s first draft is perfect; self-editing is a vital skill for every professional writer.

We will comprehensively edit a sample chapter of your work, talking you through the choices we make and offering tips and suggestions to help you apply these skills to your own writing.

Submit one chapter from your book – it does not need to be the first chapter – up to 5K words.

What you will receive:

• An annotated edit of up to 5k words with personalised tips and suggestions to help improve your writing.


£80 for an example edit


(Authors: Anna, Justin, Stephen)

Are you working on a novel and have hit a speedbump? Are you struggling with the plot? Does the worldbuilding not hang together? Do you just need to brainstorm ideas with someone?

Regular mentoring sessions can provide you with structure, giving you the impetus to keep going when it gets hard, with the added security of knowing you can bounce ideas off a published author to ensure you stay on track.

Maybe you’ve finished a novel, but you’re not sure about the next steps. Do you need help with finding an agent, creating a social media presence, or conducting research about the publishing market?

Our one-off or monthly mentoring calls can provide you with the appropriate support and guidance, whether that’s help with your novel, or just answering questions about working with a literary agent, editor or publisher.

What you will receive:

  • Email exchange before every call so that we can maximise the allotted time on the video call.
  • A structured session so we can focus on the issues you are facing and try to find a way forward by working together.
  • The sessions could focus on motivation, plot, character, worldbuilding, writer’s block, the business side of being an author, or another area where you need support and guidance.


One-off 90-minute call: £60

Quarterly 60-minute call (for up to one calendar year): £45

Monthly 60-minute call (for up to one calendar year): £30

Manuscript Evaluation and Report

(Author: Anna)

A manuscript evaluation is an over-arching review of your novel’s strengths, plot, pacing, character arcs and more. It is not a developmental edit.

Manuscript evaluation is ideal for authors with a completed manuscript who want to check that the core of their story – internal logic and cohesion, effective and realistic worldbuilding, believable motivations and character development – is in good shape before embarking on a route towards publication.

We read the novel in its entirety, making detailed notes about where the manuscript is strong and where it could use further work. We will offer suggestions to improve aspects like tone, action, pace etc. but will not provide direct editorial feedback such as how to rework a plot point or reveal.

We will then compile the notes into an in-depth report to help you understand where to focus your energies for revising the novel, including relevant examples from your manuscript where necessary.

Please note, a manuscript evaluation does not include copy-editing or manuscript annotation.

Editorial feedback will include, but is not limited to:

  • Setting
  • Character
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Structure
  • Pacing


£0.005 per word

Please Note: Manuscript Evaluation and Report prices are payable 50% on purchasing the package, and the remaining 50% on completion of evaluation, prior to delivery of the report.

Developmental Edit

(Authors: Anna, Justin)

A developmental edit concentrates on things like plot, character, worldbuilding, pacing and overall storytelling. This is the first edit done by major publishers, and is focused on the content of your story rather than the writing. It is designed to help you create the best story possible.

Before contracting for a developmental edit, we will ask you to submit your first chapter. If we believe it’s ready for developmental editing, we will provide a sample edit of 1500 words, free of charge.

This edit is for writers who have taken their manuscript as far as they can alone and are ready for objective, professional feedback to help with their next edit.

What you will receive:

  • An annotated manuscript and an editorial letter with comments and suggestions to improve your book.


£0.008 per word

Please Note: Developmental Edit prices are payable 50% on purchasing the package, and the remaining 50% on completion.

Copy Edit

(Authors: Anna, Justin)

Some editors separate out copy edits and line edits, but we combine them into one edit. Our copy edit is focused on improving the words on the page. We want to help make your prose the best it can be to tell your story. We’ll also be keeping an eye out for consistency, continuity and plot holes. While this is not a proofread, we will endeavour to pick up any errors in the course of the edit.

Before contracting for a copy edit, we will ask you to submit your first chapter. If we believe it’s ready for copy editing, we will provide a sample edit of 1500 words, free of charge.

This edit is for writers who are happy with the high level aspects of their book and are ready to fine-tune the prose in preparation for publication.

What you will receive:

  • A fully edited and annotated manuscript.


£0.0075 per word

Please Note: Copy Edit prices are payable 50% on purchasing the package, and the remaining 50% on completion.

Non-Fiction Edit

(Author: Justin)

Non-fiction books are different animals from fiction and require a different approach. This edit will cover copy edits while also checking for clarity and continuity. Being an expert in a subject is invaluable, but being able to communicate that knowledge is a skill. We can help you tell your story in a way that is engaging and informative.

Before contracting for a non-fiction edit, we will ask you to submit your first chapter. If we believe it’s ready for editing, we will provide a sample edit of 1500 words, free of charge.

What you will receive:

  • A fully edited manuscript with annotations and editorial letter.


£0.01 per word

Please Note: Non-Fiction Edit prices are payable 50% on purchasing the package, and the remaining 50% on completion.